Whether it is adding color, pattern, style or texture, there are few easier ways of transforming the ambiance of an interior than wallpaper. The last few years have seen a surge in wallpaper patterns, and all those who shunned it in the 90s and worked super-hard in trying to scrub wallpaper off of their bedroom and living room walls are once again shopping for new patterns! While we will not call it a full-blown revival, wallpaper sure ranks high on the trends chart in 2015. Adding it to the dining room is one of the easiest ways to get in on the wallpaper bandwagon before trying it out in the bedroom or living area.
![Wallpaper shapes the perfect backdrop for the brilliant blue accents [Design: Atmosphere Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Wallpaper-shapes-the-perfect-backdrop-for-the-brilliant-blue-accents.jpg)
There are plenty of fun ways that you can add wallpaper to your existing dining room. There is no lack of patterns or colors to choose from, and you can pick one that exactly matches your dining room ambiance. So delve in and find out more about adding wallpaper to the dining room –
1. Enliven the Walls
This is an obvious and easy starting point for every homeowner, as you can simply drape the walls in a wallpaper of your choice. The wallpaper that you pick must not only complement the theme of the room, but should sync with the existing decor and accessories. While cool wallpapers with neutral hues are generally the preferred choice and easier to work with, do not miss out on the opportunity to add color to the dining room with wallpaper. As the inspirations below showcase, it can be a world of delightful fun!
![Trendy dining room draped in wallpaper [Design: Pal + Smith]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Trendy-dining-room-draped-in-wallpaper.jpg)
![Refined use of exciting colors in the dining room [Design: Jorge Castillo Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Refined-use-of-exciting-colors-in-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Black wallpaper is for those who have a flair for the dramatic! [Design: Atmosphere Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Black-wallpaper-is-for-those-who-have-a-flair-for-the-dramatic.jpg)
2. Think of Texture
When you start browsing through wallpaper choices, think about things beyond just color and pattern. Maybe what your monotonous, contemporary dining room needs is a bit of texture. Grasscloth wallcoverings or even faux leather wallpapers can get this done with ease and elegance. There are other amazing wallpapers around that can create the visual effect of materials ranging from metal to cork!
![Grasscloth wall covering adds texture to the dining room walls [Design: BNL Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Grasscloth-wall-covering-adds-texture-to-the-dining-room-walls.jpg)
![Unique wallpaper brings the texture of cork to the dining room [Design: Garrison Hullinger Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Unique-wallpaper-brings-the-texture-of-cork-to-the-dining-room.jpg)
3. Geometric Beauty
Retro, midcentury modern, vintage and art deco; the trend these days is to bring back patterns and designs that were considered hot several decades ago! Take advantage of this change in the decorating cycle and use bold wallpaper with fun geometric patterns to add to the vibe of your midcentury or vintage dining room. These ultra-cool designs work beautifully in minimal settings as well.
![The Imperial Trellis wallpaper is a favorite among modern designers [Design: Tobi Fairley Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/The-Imperial-Trellis-wallpaper-is-a-favorite-among-modern-designers.jpg)
![Perfect wallpaper choice for small midcentury dining room [Design: Squarefoot Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Perfect-wallpaper-choice-for-small-midcentury-dining-room.jpg)
![Minimal wallpaper adds pattern to the dining space [Design: CCG Interiors]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Minimal-wallpaper-adds-pattern-to-the-dining-space.jpg)
4. Dress up the Ceiling
There are plenty of times when we are left wondering why homeowners do not pay more attention to the ceiling and the untapped potential that it holds. (Really, do look upwards sometimes and move away from boring white.) Well, now is your chance to add spunk and sizzle to the dining room with an unexpected twist by opting for a wallpapered ceiling. You can still leave the walls as they are and let the bold wallpaper steal the spotlight for a change.
![Ceiling wallpaper enhances the luxurious look of the dining room [Design: Favreau Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Ceiling-wallpaper-enhances-the-luxurious-look-of-the-dining-room.jpg)
![How about some color for the dining room ceiling? [Design: Laura U]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/How-about-some-color-for-the-dining-room-ceiling.jpg)
![Design of the dining room puts the focus on wallpapered ceiling [Design: Sleeping Dog Properties]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Design-of-the-dining-room-puts-the-focus-on-wallpaper.jpg)
5. Go Quirky!
Maybe you prefer a dining room that is playful, unique and even a touch eccentric with its special design. Styles such as bohemian, shabby chic and eclectic get a great lift when wallpaper that is equally unconventional shapes the backdrop. This approach looks even more engaging in the case of small dining areas in an open plan living space, as it gives the tiny nook a distinct identity and aura of its own. Try this quirky variation this summer and you will be pleasantly surprised!
![Eclectic dining room with a unique wallpapered backdrop [From: Lisa Borgnes Giramonti]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Eclectic-dining-room-with-a-unique-wallpapered-backdrop.jpg)
![Cool wallpaper for the shabby chic dining room [Design: Sarah Phipps Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Cool-wallpaper-for-the-shabby-chic-dining-room.jpg)
![Custom handmade wallpaper in the Victorian style dining room [Design: Crisp Architects]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Custom-handmade-wallpaper-in-the-Victorian-style-dining-room.jpg)
6. Frame It with Flair
We have come across several Decoist readers who have complained about trying out new wallpaper patterns because they are just not sure about making such a major commitment in one leap. So here is a wonderful little bridge for those with design commitment issues, as you can test the waters out with these lovely framed wallpaper pieces. Just hang them as art pieces in the dining room, and if you really love them, you can think about a quick overhaul in the coming months.
![An exquisite way of adding wallpaper to the dining room [From: Houzz]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/An-exquisite-way-of-adding-wallpaper-to-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Fun way of using wallpaper in the dining room [From: Alexander Johnson Photography]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Fun-way-of-using-wallpaper-in-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Turn the wallpaper into a work of art [Design: Collage Interiors]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Turn-the-wallpaper-into-a-work-of-art.jpg)
7. Define the Accent Walls
This one is really simple, and it is pretty much the same approach you take towards an accent wall in the dining room that uses paint. Take a different route this time by doing away with paint and opting for wallpaper instead. As we discussed earlier, wallpaper gives you greater variety in terms of pattern and finish when compared to paint. Make sure, though, that you have the right lighting to let the accent wall shine through.
![Stylish wallpaper brings golden elegance to the contemporary dining room [Design: Incorporated]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Stylish-wallpaper-brings-golden-elegance-to-the-contemporary-dining-room.jpg)
![Lighting adds to the appeal of the striking black and white wallpaper in the dining room [Design: Amitzi Architects]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Lighting-adds-to-the-appeal-of-the-striking-black-and-white-wallpapere-in-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Create a lovely accent wall with beautiful wallpaper [Design: Charmean Neithart Interiors]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Create-a-lovely-accent-wall-with-beautiful-wallpaper.jpg)
8. Striped Splendor
Stripes and wallpaper seem like the perfect combination of two current, hot style statements! But instead of draping all the walls in the dining room in stripes (which can become monotonous), we suggest you take a sleeker option by using the striped wallpaper to highlight a specific architectural feature or nook in the room. Smaller stripes are ideal for more modern settings, while traditional dining rooms benefit from broader strokes. And then there is the exciting chevron pattern for those who wish to mix things up to drive away boredom.
![Striped yellow wallpaper in the modern dining room [Design: Avocado Sweets Interior Design Studio]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Striped-yellow-wallpaper-in-the-modern-dining-room.jpg)
![Wallpaper brings chevron style to the small, shabby chic dining space [Design: AS you see it!]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Wallpaper-brings-chevron-style-to-the-small-shabby-chic-dining-space.jpg)
![Fun dining room design with striped wallpaper [Design: Hudson Interior Design]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Fun-dining-room-design-with-striped-wallpaper.jpg)
9. Wallpaper Halfway Up
They say that the classic, tried and tested methods are precisely that for a reason; because they work so well across eras. Using the wallpaper halfway up in the dining room is one such timeless approach that never fails. It gives the room a tasteful elegance that is unmatched and turns even the gaudiest wallpaper into a visual treat.
![Covering half the wall with wallpaper is a popular choice in the dining room [Design: Globus Builder]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Covering-half-the-wall-with-wallpaper-is-a-popular-choice-in-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Classy use of wallpaper in the dining room [Design: Dufner Heighes]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Classy-use-of-wallpaper-in-the-dining-room.jpg)
![Smart color scheme in the traditional dining room [Design: Andrea Schumacher Interiors]](https://cdn.decoist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Smart-color-scheme-in-the-traditional-dining-room.jpg)