There are many, many ways in which 2020 has changed the world around us. This was not limited to just our personal hygiene, general cleanliness and the way we interact with everyone else around the world. It hit us much closer; altering the way we live and organize our home. If there is one element of 2020 that made the biggest impact on everyone (and we are not speaking from a design or decorating viewpoint alone), then it is undoubtedly the way we approach work. From Hollywood celebs who are still taping their shows from their kitchens to many, many professionals who had to recalibrate their entire lives to work from home – 2020 has redefined work culture forever.

And that is why we believe it is the home office that will see the biggest change in residences across the world with the start of 2020 being much different to the start of 2021! Today, the home office has become a bit of a must for everyone. This has quickly and judiciously altered home office design trends – a move away from usual aesthetic tweaks and seasonal hues to far more functional and practical elements. Home office design trends of 2021 would not be drastically different as a world recovering from global pandemic starts to find its feet again even while ramping up productivity. Step in and discover what you need to embrace in your new work from home setup –
Home, Work and Balance
This is probably the biggest issue for all those who only discovered the work from home idea in 2020; in the middle of a raging global pandemic. Finding that balance between work and personal life when you are doing your job from the confines of your residence is pretty hard. It gets harder when there are other members in the family and even kids who all share the same space for work and play. What is the solution? To arrange your life in a more methodical fashion and to ensure that there is a specified time and space for work that is set away from your personal life. Designate the home work are clearly, stick to a rigid work routine and switch off from your job and do not take it late into the day. These simple tips can alter your work and personal life balance dramatically.

Eye-Catching Backdrops
This one feels obvious after working from home for half of a year and having to attend many, many calls and conferences – at times, when it is really late in the night as well! You might not have a jaw-dropping view behind you in the home office or waves dancing in the distance and the sight of sun, sand and surf. But you can still create a wonderful backdrop that is engaging and perfect for those many Skype and zoom calls. From photographs and paintings to carefully decorated shelves and much more; sometimes the best backdrops are those that look elegant without demanding too much attention.

Compact Workspaces for Everyone
If you speak to any decor retailer or manufacturer in recent times, then they will tell you that the most sought-after furniture pieces are those that fit into the home office. From desks that allow you to switch between standing and sitting positions to ergonomic work chairs and smart storage units – multi-functional and adaptable décor in the home office is what everyone wants. This allows you to turn the smallest bedroom corner, space under the staircase or even the area between kitchen and dining room into a fabulous little home work area on a budget – a trend that will only grow in 2021.

Finding that Quiet Nook
Many homeowners have opted for an entirely different route when it comes to bringing work home – not to actually take it into your main residence! Backyard home offices and work sheds are now more popular than ever and the one big advantage that they offer over workspaces in the main house is privacy and peacefulness. They can be used as home studios where you can even meet clients when needed and they allow you to have a much clearer line between work and your personal life without one infringing on the other.

Green, Fresh and Inspiring
You will see people generally move away from manmade finishes and embrace nature more gleefully in the year ahead and this will be the case in home offices as well. Indoor plants and sliding glass doors that connect the home office with the greenery outside are going to be more common. Expect more open, cozy and efficient home offices where circulation of air, natural ventilation and functionality become the priority.