A life in the lap of nature that combines elegant, modern interiors with the rustic charm of barn homes and eliminates the constant rush of the urban landscape is something that we all crave at some point in our lives. But actually committing to this idea takes a whole lot of intent and plenty of planning, something that the fabulous Hupomone Ranch epitomizes with picture-perfect elegance! Designed by Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects, this 160-acre homestead was abandoned for over three decades before its current owners turned the lot into a hub for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that puts nature in pole position. Nestled in the picturesque Chileno Valley, the design of the house draws its inspiration from the classic barn structure.

The entry of the home offers complete privacy, while the gorgeous living area laced with glass windows opens up towards the lush, green grassland and the farms that surround the house. A balance between traditional ranch-style living and modern aesthetics can be uncovered at every turn, with a neutral color scheme and chic, contemporary décor blending in with the more rustic elements outside. Connecting the interior with the series of gardens, slide away windows and large glass doors create a light-filled, inviting ambiance where the panoramic view outside takes center stage.

But the lineup of eco-friendly features at this Californian ranch is not limited to sustainable farming and ranching practices, as the house itself is LEED-Platinum-certified and comes with an array of features like photovoltaic panels that offer clean energy and geothermal, radiant heating that cuts back on energy consumption. With passive heating and cooling techniques incorporated into its design and top-notch insulation, every attempt has been made to keep the carbon footprint of the ranch minimal – an absolute delight for those who have the planet’s best interest at heart! [Photography: David Wakely]