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DIY: A Quick and Easy Hexagon Cork-Board

Hey friends! Office organization is important, but let’s face it – it can be a bit boring! Having an inspiration board or just something to pin important information to is key to being organized if you’re a visual person like me, but I’m not a huge fan of the rectangular option out in the world, so I decided to make my own hexagon cork-boards!

DIY hexagon cork-boards

They’re super easy to make, and I love that you can make as many or as few as your space requires, and you’re always able to add more to the hexagon puzzle.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • cork tiles (cork placemats would also work)
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • utility knife
  • nails
  • hammer

Hexagon cork-board materials

First thing’s first: how to make a hexagon shape! I used a YouTube tutorial to help me cut a template out of paper so I could just trace it onto to the cork. Easy peasy! Here is the one I used in case you’re geometrically challenged like me!

Trace hexagon shape onto cork

Now use your ruler and utility knife to cut out the shape on as many pieces as you’d like. I used 3 because I like odd numbers and my space was fairly small.

Cut out hexagon shape

Here is what you end up with: several hexagon-shaped pieces of cork, hopefully somewhat symmetrical and straight! But don’t worry about perfection. The edges will be partially covered once everything is on the boards.

Hexagon shapes cut out

Now we get to attach these to the wall! I used small nails on all 6 corners to make sure they were secure, but it you don’t want dozens of holes in your wall, you could use Command strips.

Nail all corners of cork-board onto wall

Adding Geometric & Textural Beauty

Here is the space with all 3 hexagon boards in place while empty – already a big difference from the big empty space that used to be there!

Empty hexagon cork-boards on the wall

We’re ready to start putting up some goodies! I use these as an inspiration board, so I put up images of rooms that are currently inspiring some potential makeovers happening in our house, a memento of the Eiffel Tower from Paris and some fabric samples I’m currently considering for some decor projects. I also added my headphones up there so they’re not just sitting all tangled on my desk.

Hexagon cork boards over desk

I cannot tell you enough how much I love having a place to hang pictures and notes! It makes a huge difference since I don’t have a huge desk area, as you can see here: (P.S. did you catch some past Decoist DIYs? Check out the abstract painting and gold leaf pot!)

Whole desk area with cork-boards

To show you how the imperfections don’t truly matter, here’s a close-up of the cork-boards. I don’t mind the tiny bumps (since it is cork, after all), and they’re not noticeable from afar.

Cork-board close up

I love how the cork works so well with the other natural wood elements in this space, like the chair and the “etc” piece on the shelf. It has totally helped to bring warmth and cohesion to this little space!

Hexagon inspiration boards

And there you have it! Such an easy way to fill up some empty wall space and give yourself some room for inspiration and organization – plus, it’s in a trendy geometric shape. It’s a win-win-win!

What other shapes would you try for a fun cork-board? Let us know in the comments!

Thalita Murray

Thalita is a school teacher by day, fierce DIY'er by night. Her fuel of choice is ice cream (preferably chocolate) and you can always find her daydreaming of her next DIY project, scouring the aisles at IKEA, antique-hunting or cuddling with her adorable pup. She's also constantly glued to her phone, feeding her obsession with Instagram, of cours[...]

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