Folks, I’m not going to lie … my home office is a mess! Not in the way that a desk piled high with papers is a mess, but a mess in the sense that there are various “stacks” of items that have no relation to one other. I’m not sure what’s in these stacks. I created them in a panic on multiple occasions when I ran out of time cleaning the house and the company was about to ring the doorbell. It’s not the piles of papers that I mind. It’s the fact that for a long time, I’ve needed a better system of organization.
Is there an area of your home that’s your “message center”? You know–a place where you keep tabs on your upcoming events, update your to-do list and make a plan for the future? Whether you’re organizing your home office or converting an area of your kitchen into an organizational hub, it’s always refreshing to finally get your stuff together. I’m on a mission to start that process asap, so today I share a series of images that have given me great inspiration. Hopefully they will inspire you in your organizational endeavors as well…
Getting It Together
Let’s start with the basics of “getting it together”–when you look around and everything has its place. When the clutter is secondary to the amazing organizational system that you’ve put into place. Does your home office look like this (see below)?! Yeah, neither does mine. But it’s fun to dream, isn’t it?… [from Jute]

Maybe your home office looks a little more like this next featured space… If you have a small desk, consider keeping the supplies off your work area by utilizing a wall-mounted organizational system. Below we see the Pottery Barn Daily System, which conveniently holds paperwork, pens, a calendar, and more! [from Bright Bold and Beautiful]

I love the office space below, which is compact yet tidy. There’s no formal organizational system or large wall of shelves. Yet desk and shelf space are cleverly utilized so all items can be accommodated. [from On My Agenda]

Don’t forget–your home office isn’t the only space that benefits from organization! Entryways are often in need of a face lift. Consider a system of shelving or cabinetry, even a custom solution if possible. The entryway below features built-ins from Seattle Custom Cabinets. There’s a place for mail, books, jackets, shoes, and more…

Now we take a look at some specific items that help with home organization. Like the trio of hot pink message boards we see below! A lattice overlay (likely created from ribbon) makes it possible for the board to hold a large number of pictures, notes and other important reminders. Plus, the vibrant color creates a true design statement in this space! [from GR Interiors]

It’s no secret that I’ve been in love with these TPS Mint File Cabinets from CB2 ever since they became available. The color is amazing, isn’t it?! Plus, you can make your own filing system by placing a trio of the cabinets under a table (preferably not your desk if you value leg space). You then get the benefits of an additional work area AND storage.

CB2 offers a range of products that make it fun to organize your office space. See the glass containers with red silicon bases below? These Bounce Doodad Cups are stackable, or you can display them separately. They’re just perfect for holding items such as pencils and paper clips…

If you’re a visual person, it may be helpful to keep a small board at your desk for the display of goals, to-dos, or other reminders. This Tacktile Message Board from CB2 consists of metal-backed EVA foam. Plus, the frames are magnetic, so you can easily connect a series of these products and hang them on the wall as needed.

I find that the more difficult it is for me to hide items in cabinets or boxes, the more likely I am to keep them tidy. Which is why I love acrylic organizational supplies. You can see everything they hold–which is extra incentive to keep contents arranged neatly. This Set of 3 Format Stacking Boxes from CB2 is stylish and sleek. And it doesn’t let you get away with being sloppy!

Unexpected Approaches to Organization
We now look at some creative ways to keep things tidy. There’s no reason that you can’t put your own unique stamp on the organizational system at hand. Vintage shelving is a fun way to add personality to your space. Below we see distressed vintage orange shelves that hold fabric swatches and samples in the showroom of interior designer Julia Buckingham. Talk about a statement piece! [from Lonny]

Julia Buckingham’s showroom also holds vintage metal bins that boast an industrial look. With oodles of style, they provide oodles of storage! [from Lonny]

Need a way to group notepads, pencils and small containers of items? Try stashing them in a vintage tool box, as shown below. This item was purchased at a flea market, and it provides just the right amount of storage space for the small desk that holds it. [from French Larkspur]

Clipboards make excellent “bulletin boards,” especially when embellished with decorative paper. Clip on stacks of related items, from notes and fabric samples to lists and important papers. [from Ish and Chi via Houzz]

Don’t Forget the Special Touches
We end with a series of items that remind us to have fun as we organize. In fact, before I begin a major organizational project, I often have to “bribe myself” with a little treat. Maybe it’s a beautiful decorative box that will rest on my desk, or perhaps it’s a piece of wall art that will embellish the space. Look at the amazing geometric rug below! It anchors this home office, and it takes everything up a notch. Who wouldn’t want to beautify and tidy the room that this piece adorns?! [photo by Sarah Greenman via Houzz]

I’m going to use this glass urn filled with jelly beans as the inspiration for tidying my desk. I have a feeling I’ll be motivated to do some serious organizing when I can munch on little treats during the process. And of course, I won’t want to display my urn of candy on a cluttered desk–all the more motivation to clean! This gorgeous, colorful statement is from Jessica Alba’s Honest Company office… [from Lonny]

Of course, wallpapering your home office is a great way to take it up a notch and add a special touch! Isn’t the wallpaper below deliciously colorful?! [photo by Art Gray for The Office of Charles de Lisle]

Don’t forget the inspiration! Surround yourself with anything and everything that motivates you to stay organized, enjoy your work life, come up with new ideas, and keep plugging away (even on the tough days). Which pictures, quotes and art pieces inspire you?… [from A Few Things From My Life]

Now we want to hear about the ways you stay organized! Do you buy special products that help keep clutter at bay? Do you enjoy DIY projects that beautify your workspace? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below…