Conceptualized and created to steal the show with ease, Project Begovaya by Geometrix Design makes you wonder if you stepped back into cinema’s golden era! With most contemporary homes that seem to borrow from the trend of semi-minimalism, neutral tones are more or less a must. But these muted hues are often relegated to grey, white and brown with a touch of green or red here and there to bring in an air of freshness. But Begovaya goes in a whole different direction that is both stark and sensational.

The interiors of this brilliant home are clad in black and white and the use of just these two tones is so gorgeous that at times we are left wondering if we are watching a colorful image in black and white photography! From the plush and well decorated bedrooms to the artistic and exquisite living room, your eyes are treated to a visual delight in black and white. Though the modern trend of creating a sleek setting that presents clean and well defined lines is adhered to, the extravagant flooring and the lavish furnishings sport a touch of Hollywood Regency.
A regal chair in passionate purple presents the lone variation in the living room. A lamp shade in brown, the trendy fireplace and some colorful lighting here and there present other interesting variations. Glossy surfaces and interesting pieces of art mainly in form of Buddha heads draw your attention even as all-white décor and all-black cabinets provide a conspicuous backdrop.
Even as we marvel at the effort that was put in to craft these unique interiors, we cannot but feel like having stepped though a portal that has transported us back into a time when ‘color’ was still alien to celluloid.