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How to Improve Home Air Quality for Allergy Season

For some springtime means warm sunny days spent outdoors, but for others it means fighting a seemingly futile battle against seasonal allergies. The presence of pollen can mean itchy, watery eyes, constant sneezing and other uncomfortable symptoms. Then there are people who suffer these symptoms from airborne allergies all year round. Antihistamines can keep some symptoms at bay – but for how long? In order to enjoy true relief, it’s important to improve the air quality in your home and get rid of allergens fast.

— One of the best ways to keep allergens out is to never bring them inside in the first place. Of course plant spores and pet dander are going to find their way in eventually, but some allergens – such as harsh chemicals and cigarette smoke – should stay far, far away from your walls and carpets. Amidst the worst of allergy season, be sure to wash your draperies, sheets and vacuum your carpets often.

— Another thing to think about is how allergens may be getting in. When it comes to seasonal allergies, pollen finds many ways into your home – generally on clothes, through open windows and on the fur of your pets. Do your best to avoid uncomfortable contact by washing your hands before touching your face and wiping down your four legged friends after a trip outdoors. Although it’s tempting to throw open the windows on a beautiful spring day, keep them shut until your allergy season has ended.

— Lastly, if you use a disposable air filter in your air conditioner, be sure to change it at least once every two months. If you’re still experiencing issues, consider investing in an electronic air cleaner, which can remove allergen particles from your home. This solution is often recommended by doctors of patients with particularly bad allergies and can provide a great deal of relief year round.

(Image courtesy of ZeroEnergy Design)

Carrie Dagenhard

Carrie is a seasoned blogger, entertainment journalist and all around professional wordsmith with a passion for interior design and home organization. A self-proclaimed eternal wanderer and neat freak, she enjoys sharing her eclectic tastes and zeal of creating a beautiful and balanced space through DIY home décor. After graduating with a degr[...]

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