What would be the picture that comes to your mind when you think of an interior designer’s own home? Most of us would imagine a potpourri of various ideas and styles with every possible color thrown in or a highly desirable idealistic and exotic design. Well, meet interior designer Susanna Vento. Here are a few snapshots of her house situated in Helsinki.

It proves to be the best example and application of ‘small is beautiful’ formula. Susanna’s is a tiny three rooms apartment (two bedrooms and a living room with a dining area/kitchen).
All the rooms are organized following a uniform pattern. Here the black and white combinations are used widely and as base colors, while other hues are used on accessories and showpieces. Each and every little thing used to decorate the interiors has a story to tell. For instance, the chairs were bought and then worked on by the designers’ automotive painter!

The reason she states is that automotive paint gives a smoother and lasting finish to her furniture as compared to normal furniture paint and brush. Multi-colored wall hangings and other decorative items are very appealing against the snowy walls and ceilings. The patterns used are successful in enhancing the delightful mood. The master bedroom design is a minimalist one while the kid’s room is absolutely cute. (found on DesignSponge)