Okay, let’s narrate the tale of yet another garage make over here. This one deals with the imaginative efforts that have gone into modernizing a garage to make it look like a studio. An old garage has been turned into a modern private art studio by photographer Natalie Wright, who thought of doing the undoable. She, in fact, wanted to renovate her old garage into a place that would be ultimately photography-friendly.

Another mandatory idea she had in mind was that the new room needs to inspire her creativity with no bounds. As she went about giving the garage a change over, she understood all that was needed to make the space a modern day studio. And she did. She added more charm on to the walls by throwing in a handful of quirky elements such as some amazing artwork and wall décor so that the space warmed up to turn the studio space she wished for.
To look spacious and healthy, she painted the room with white texture. Interior décor came about as a challenge, and she found what she wanted in salvaged materials likes chicken wires, old doors and milk crates so that they would decorate the room all by themselves. The table surface has been used as props to photograph things, while the furniture she placed inside the studio were those that could be easily moved around.
The photographer had to spend several weeks to find out the right piece of furniture, though. And she found all she wanted. Look for yourself in the pictures we have here for you. (from designsponge)