I’m on a spree folks. After Valentine’s Day candles and amazing photo buildings turned into lamps, this DIY clock tutorial really gives plenty of work for this weekend. So let’s get down to it, how exactly do you make your own original starburst clock from just wood coffee stir sticks some glue, a set of sharp scissors and a working clock? Extremely easy, just follow through the images and there you have it, a clock with personality.

You’re going to use at least some 150 sticks, but depends very much on how big you want your clock to be. Then you need to make sure the sticks are sharp at one end, coz they’ll need to fit well side by side. Add the first layer of the sticks and glue it onto your clock surface (make sure it’s clean before you start the process). For the clock to look chic, make sure your sticks follow a random idea — you know, they don’t really need to be symmetrical and have the same height.
Voila, your new clock is ready to be hanged. Like it?

(For a more thorough tutorial on check up Leigh-Ann’s site. Found on Shelterness)