Spring is a time for new beginnings and it is also a great time to get your home in order and give it a through and complete makeover. Today, we are not talking about picking new color schemes, décor or trendy makeovers. Instead, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty of things and give the home a clean, fresh look! Yes, for those who have been procrastinating and pushing their spring cleaning activity away, it is time to get started and get it all done – in just a day! No matter how daunting it sounds, you can still clean your home in a day and do a great job of it, if you plan right.

We are here to guide you through the challenging task of cleaning your entire home in a day and with the smart tips and ideas below, you will have absolutely no issue at all. What seems like an endless array of chores can all be handled in a matter of just 24 hours and you are good until your next cleaning cycle. Read on and clean away!
1. Get Ready and Gather Your Weapons!
Organizing things a day earlier makes it a whole lot easier for you and with spring cleaning it is no different. It is not just about gathering the supplies that you need for the task ahead. You need to also make sure you know exactly what you are doing at each point on the following day, what you need to get the task done and also the things that need to go in the dustbin. Be it something as simple as rubber gloves and getting your music playlist ready to cleaning agents and garbage bags; not having to run to the nearest shop on cleaning day helps a great deal.

2. Start at the Front Door
Most of us tend to ignore the outdoors when it comes to cleaning day. Giving the front door a rejuvenated, fresh look is a fine way to get started on the big. First impressions matter a lot and a sparkling front door, clean façade and entryway greet your guests gleefully. Before you get things rolling, enjoy a sumptuous and healthy breakfast. Skipping on breakfast and trying to clean your entire home in a day is only a disaster waiting to happen!

3. Gather the Laundry
We are not sure about your laundry schedule and how you wish to combine it with your spring cleaning endeavor, but gathering all the laundry and putting it in the washer early makes the process far simpler. This way, you can continue with cleaning other rooms of your home while the laundry gets done. Everything from bedding and curtains to stray garments and mats; the earlier you start with laundry, the better.

4. Carpets, Kitchen and Sparkling Sheen
Do not ignore the carpets on cleaning day. You will be surprised at how much dirt is accumulated in the fine fibers of these carpets and getting down and giving the carpets a good scrub and vacuum will lead to a healthier life. A few of the modern cleaners that use steam to get to the core of the carpets in the living room and tugs in the bedroom also aid in restoring their texture and color with ease. Once you are done with the carpets, it is time to give the kitchen floor a good scrub. Depending on your floor type, anything from vinegar to a pinch of baking soda can help restore the lost sheen!

5. De-Clutter and Organize
As we discussed about it earlier, getting rid of all the stuff that is old, expired and unnecessary can help make spring cleaning a whole lot easier. It is often the useless stuff around your house that creates clutter and takes up most of your energy while cleaning. Form the habit of tossing things away ruthlessly and adopt a minimal approach to decorating and accessorizing. You will be amazed at how much more comfortable your life becomes!

6. Time, Time and Time
Set timer for each of your cleaning tasks in different rooms of the house and stick to it seriously. This is probably the most important part trying to clean your home in a day and even if you leave a few things unfinished at the end of the set time; you can circle back to things at the end of it all. If you spend too much time cleaning the kitchen or the living room in early part of the day, you will be hard-pressed for time post lunch.

7. Give the Bathrooms a Soak
Much like the laundry that you started with early, it is a good idea to give the bathrooms a soak at the very beginning of it all. Whether you prefer to use a homemade solution or over-the-counter products for cleaning the bathroom, letting the floor, bathtub and the walls soak in the cleaning agent makes things much easier for you. You will do a lot less scrubbing and save plenty of energy this way. As the bathroom soaks, you can finish other chores and get back to cleaning it in an hour or two; depending on the time it needs.

Getting everything accomplished in a day is difficult indeed and you will need help from your family members to ensure things go as smoothly as possible. Do not panic when you hit a few speed bumps along the way. It is all too common and happens to all of us. Keep calm and clean on!