Do you ever feel like the walls are closing in on you? If you have a small bedroom, this feeling may be a way of life. But did you know that there are things you can do to maximize space and make the room feel, well–roomier? It’s true! Don’t give up your dream of having a king- or a queen-sized bed. By following a few simple rules, you’ll find that you actually have more room than you think.

Start by considering what’s most important to you as you design the layout of your space. Are there large furnishings that can be replaced with more petite alternatives? What are you hoping to display and what can be stored behind closed doors? Can you add interest with decorative molding, new flooring or dramatic curtains? We’ve rounded up a collection of colorful small bedrooms that reflect a “less is more” mentality without sacrificing style.
Make Each Detail Count
When space is an issue, you can add flair by making every detail count. No time or money for a remodel? No problem! If the walls aren’t moving, make some small (or large) changes that give the room a “special” feel. A decorative painting technique, wooden wall detailing or eye-catching flooring make the tiniest of rooms stand out, as shown in the space below designed by Riad El Finn. [from Lonny]

If changing the interior itself isn’t an option, go for luxurious details like a vibrant coat of wall paint, striking chandelier, tufted headboard and vase of fresh flowers. Showpieces will truly stand out in room devoid of clutter, as shown in the next image. [from Bright.Bazaar]

A Little Reflection Goes a Long Way
Time to bring out the mirrors! Reflective surfaces make a space feel bigger. If you have the resources, go with an entire reflective wall! Then play up the shine with sparkling details, like the delicate chandelier shown in the deep purple room below. [from RSVP Design Services via Houzz]

It’s All About Storage
We can talk all day about stellar details, but if your room isn’t functional, you won’t be able to enjoy the treasures it holds. Good storage is key. The bright room below is a standout thanks to jewel-toned bedding accents and a large closet that keeps clutter hidden from view. [from]

The next featured space includes a large freestanding closet, as well as handy curtains that surround the bed, creating a sense of peace and calm. Because you don’t need to see the closet and other furnishings at all times! Shades of pink and brown add elegance to the room, as does a royal purple comforter. [from IKEA via DigsDigs]

Storage can even take the form of a bookshelf, like the floor-to-ceiling shelving in the room below. Note how the bed, desk and side table are pushed right up against this wall of shelves, which serves a display purpose and adds color with its blue hue. If furniture hides part of the shelf, use that portion of the shelving for items you’d rather keep out of sight, such as tax paperwork or file folders! [from Hendel Homes via Houzz]

Choose Bedside Furnishings Wisely
No room for a large chest of drawers? Try using small dressers as bedside tables, and store clothes inside. Note the compact dressers in the golden yellow room below, as well as the warm glow that nicely complements the crisp white furnishings. [from Sara Ingrassia Interiors via Houzz]

If you don’t want furnishings to occupy too much floor space, go with wall-mounted bedside tables, as shown in the next room designed by Jorge Varela. This amazing space is also a testament to the power of a bold rug and an intricate headboard. [from Homedit]

Another wall-mounted option is cabinetry that takes the place of dressers and closets. Again, this strategy frees up floor space while providing suitable storage. For a burst of color, wallpaper the wall space under the cabinet, as shown below. [from Homedit]

Make a Strong Statement With Color
Don’t assume that a small space should be painted a crisp, light color. Sometimes a powerful hue is just the dose of drama that a compact room needs. To keep the space from looking heavy, complement a bold paint job with light furnishings and bedding. [from Pictures of Bedroom Ideas]

Don’t be afraid to try interesting paint techniques along with the vibrant shades. In the next space, an ombre effect is created with sunset shades of paint. Neutral tones like grey, black and white anchor the space, and an unforgettable yellow bed provides a refreshing focal point. [from House to Home]

Still convinced that a small bedroom is limiting? On the contrary, compact spaces are an exciting challenge. In some ways, less space means that every detail counts. Have fun with the details! And don’t forget that taking time to make practical decisions will ensure that the room is functional. After all, a functional, well-designed space will ultimately call attention to those special touches that make a bedroom a true haven!