Cleaning your house on a weekly basis is a must. By doing this you can avoid lengthy and tedious cleaning sessions later.
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The kitchen is always the best place to start with. Make sure you mop the floor, and wipe clean the counters and cabinet doors. Also, regularly clean the exterior of appliances and polish it. Scour the sink every week or two.
The next key place would be the bathroom. The bathroom has many elements, each of which demands specific cleaning and sanitizing. General purpose cleaners, vinegar-water mix and baking soda paste can be used appropriately to clean the grime and dirt from the sink, toilet exteriors, tub, and faucets. Do not use abrasives on smooth surfaces.
Moreover you need to be careful to dust the problematic areas where there are chances for dirt to accumulate. This will improve your home air quality and furniture health.
Make sure you are keeping your floor rugs clean. Small rugs can be dry cleaned or laundered often. Clean the big sized rugs by shaking and beating them (with a broom) outside in the sun.
Vacuum clean your living area once a week for removing minute dust gatherings. Before that, make sure you handpick the petty debris, like paper scraps and buttons that may damage your vacuum belts and hoses.
Mopping is an activity you can use on any type of flooring. Wet mopping can be done for applying the sanitizing solution to the bathroom and kitchen floor. Don’t let water pool over the surface; always dry the floor after mopping.
Changing pillow sheets and bed covers once in a week is highly recommended. With every thing clean and cozy in the interior, your house ought to look inviting from the outside too. Make sure your verandah and front entry are also clean. Use a quality utility broom for clean your entry and keep it dust free and welcoming.