Would you want your car parked right inside your home? For many, it could appear bizarre. But there are a few who think otherwise. There are indeed many who cannot bear even the thought of leaving their beautiful beasts out while they sleep inside in luxury. Let’s look at how the décor of your home would change if you decide to park your car right inside your living room.

Parking your high end car right net to your living spaces can bring in some added charm to your home. A splash of color, a mean machine and a bed next to it could accentuate the interior of your home. If you aren’t convinced, you can browse through the set of pictures posted here. Jon Ryder, a gentleman from Sheffield who simply loves and adores his yellow Ferrari Spider has found a place for his car in his a comfortable living room along side a television set, furniture and tiled floors. He is not alone. There are many who have this fancy. Take a look.