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Tips for Hosting a Child’s Birthday Party

Every parent wants their child to have a fun-filled and memorable birthday party. However, once you start inviting your child’s friends and friends’ parents into the mix, things can get a little chaotic.

On one hand, you have to ensure your home is childproofed and ready to be attacked by dozens of tiny hands. On the other hand, you want to make sure your home design is clean, chic and welcoming to all of the fellow adults. It can be a lot to manage, but luckily we’ve compiled a list of things to consider before hosting a birthday extravaganza for your little one.

1) Firstly, run through your mental childproofing checklist. Because you already have a child in your home, chances are you’ve already done quite a bit of kid-proofing. However, not all children are as well behaved as your own, and kids can be extra curious in a new environment. It’s best to take a few extra precautions. Lock cupboards filled with cleaning chemicals or sharp objects. Also, do not be afraid to block certain rooms in your home – put up “off limits” signs to let children know it’s not a play area.

2) Plan plenty of activities. Depending on their age, kids get bored fast. Plan birthday games and activities back to back to keep things moving and keep the little ones from getting into trouble. Start with musical chairs or pin the tail on the donkey and, if it’s a summer party, consider setting out a sprinkler or slip-n-slide. Then, move to lunch, gift opening and, of course, always end with cake. This way when the sugar rush sets in, your duty will be over!

3) To please any parents who might be accompanying their little one to the party, set out adult-friendly foods such as veggie, fruit and cheese trays. Ensure you have plenty of seating for parents who may want to sit and socialize while the kids play games.

4) Lastly, be sure to use plenty of fun decorations, but remember that most children find joy in the simplest of things. Don’t stress, and take plenty of photographs for special memories.

Images above are by Jennifer Bishop who threw a Russian Doll themed birthday party complete with food for even the fussiest of toddlers. You can find her here.

Carrie Dagenhard

Carrie is a seasoned blogger, entertainment journalist and all around professional wordsmith with a passion for interior design and home organization. A self-proclaimed eternal wanderer and neat freak, she enjoys sharing her eclectic tastes and zeal of creating a beautiful and balanced space through DIY home décor. After graduating with a degr[...]

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